Articles & Papers

Articles & Papers

Articles and speeches written or facilitated by Rod have been placed in this section to tell a historical picture of the political and business struggles that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people faced when each one was written. Many of the issues presented in the papers or speeches are still on the negotiation table today. It is Rod Williams wish that students, future leaders, business, government and the community access these papers for reference to measure our progress in relation to political, cultural, social, environmental, business and economic aspirations' that our business leaders have called for over the many years...

Trailblazer & Pioneers - Rod Williams, Aboriginal Business Magazine Sept 2012 - Article written by John Huggins


Mindaribba Statement (2001) was developed by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Focus Group delegates attending the Mindaribba LALC Workshop on Treaty Process Options for NSW, 20th and 21st March 2001, the Mindaribba Statement sets out the NSWALC network position on the issues of the “Reconciliation process” and or “Treaty process” in NSW. This statement was formulated as a historical statement to be accessed by future generations to use as source document for research or the formulation of negotiation strategies....


An Aboriginal Perspective of Native Title, Resources 96 Convention, Adelaide December 1996 - Speech Rod Williams.  Rod needed to take a personal family approach to this delivery due to the emphasis that the message the Howard Government was presenting to Australians' that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership is wearing the black arm band of guilt, or to confront you (audience) with those words that you should be to blamed for the actions of your Forefather's. Then answered questions in relation to Native Title and Mining...


Land Rights – Past, Present and Future – 20 Years of Land Rights Conference, Canberra ACT 1996 – Jointly sponsored by the Northern and Central Land Councils of the NT celebrating 20 years of Land Rights. Rod Williams was invited as a guest speaker in the Aboriginal Economic Development session of the conference. It give the opportunity to consolidate a number of concepts and ideas that Rod had a keen interest in due to his industry, business and 2 NIBEC conferences 1993 and 1995 experiences. Concepts like Cultural/ Economic Assimilation and the Black Economy made up of many aspects like Superannuation, Funds Management, Industry Positioning, Joint Ventures, Small Business Development, Skills Transfer, Credit Unions, Procurement, Black Pages, Government Asset Sales, Business Development Agency and our Future Direction was presented the audience….


1st National Indigenous Business and Economic Conference (NIBEC) – 1993 – Speech by Rod Williams – The NIBEC conference was hosted by the Arrernte Council of Central Australia, President Charles Perkins and Vice Ted Hampton. In attendance where local, state, national and international Indigenous people who were either in business or interested in starting a business. The conference workshops and sessions assisted building a strong united vision and platform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to implement. Rod Williams and Graham Atkinson Facilitator Managers; Rod was asked to summarize the conference findings and directions for the future. NIBEC 1993 is the start for our businesses having a national voice that was formulated by Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other International Indigenous businessmen and businesswomen during the Alice Springs conference....


Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Mining Committee – Draft Position Paper 1992 – Normandy Poseidon - This is an example of the work undertaken by Normandy Mining to build understanding between the Mining Industry and Aboriginal organisations and community.


Robert Champion de Crespigny was a Member of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation (CAR) and Convenor of the Mining Committee. The Mining Committee consisted of Robert Champion de Crespigny (Normandy Mining); Mr Galarrwuy Yunupingu (Northern Land Council); Mr Wenton Rubuntja (Central Land Council); Mr Archie Barton (Maralinga Tjarutja Council); Ms Jenny George (Australian Council of Trade Unions).


This draft position paper led to the Mining Committee to meet with leaders of the mining industry and Aboriginal people to hear their views and discuss practical ways of improving communications and understanding between Aboriginal people and the mining industry and produce the Exploring Common Ground, Aboriginal Reconciliation and the Australian Mining Industry (1993), CAR publication.


Mineral Exploration Activities and Aboriginal Heritage Sites: Finding the Right Approach with Balance - 1991 - Speech by Rod Williams. The paper is divided into two areas which are both important to finding the right approach. The first section relates to national company philosophy and policies to Aboriginal issues. The second section is specifically related to Western Australia and the current difficulties that face both the mining industry and Aboriginal community.

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