Marthakal Employment Services in Galiwin’ku delivers the Job Services Australia contract for Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre. In January 2011, Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre was under-performing, with a one star rating out of a possible five.
The federal Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has the authority to transfer the Job Services Australia contract to another service provider if the star rating falls below two.
The Department commissioned a KPMG review report in 2010 that recommended Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre management and the Job Services Australia manager and coordinator participate in planning workshops to be facilitated by an external consultant, and develop a three year strategic business plan for the Job Services Australia business.
The Job Services Australia star ratings are calculated every three months at the end of each financial quarter, and are used by job seekers comparing providers in their local area; Job Services Australia providers to measure their contractual performance; and the Department (DEEWR).
Gongan Consultancy worked with the management and staff of Marthakal Employment Services facilitating workshops on strategies and actions that addressed:
Gongan Consultancy developed the Marthakal Employment Services three year strategic business plan and presented the plan to the Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre CEO, General Manager and Mala (Marthakal Homelands Resource Centre Executive) for final endorsement.
A recent DEEWR performance review of Marthakal Employment Services has lifted the star rating from three to four stars out of a possible five, a major achievement for a Job Services Australia business operating in a remote location with limited employment opportunities.
This achievement is due to having a strategic plan with a clear vision, goals and actions, and a focus on contracting mentors to work with management and staff, as well as the commitment of Marthakal Employment Services Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff to turn the business into a remote star performer.
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